The Students and Staff of the Fall 2012 Vancouver Discipleship Training School
I recently spent five days in Vancouver, British Columbia, speaking to some wonderful Discipleship Training School students. The students were from Singapore, South Korea, Austria, England, Germany, Sweden, USA and of course Canada. I spoke on Identity in Christ, and to say it was fruitful would be an understatement—it was fabulous!
At the beginning of the week, I shared my story. I transparently spoke about some painful childhood memories, and how, out of those wounds, I made poor choices as a teenager and young adult. Many of the students could relate to my stories of divorce and the loss of loved ones—of great grief and rejection. I met with most of the students one-on-one during the week, and I had the privilege to hear their stories. I heard painful memories from the past, and how, like me, many of them had responded poorly. I heard stories of regret and resentment towards God. Now this might sound like it was horribly depressing—and I suppose it was in a way.
But somehow just being an ear for these students—many of whom had never told anyone these things—had an amazing effect. Several students told me, that for the first time, they felt as though they were free from the pain and shame. What shaped their identity in the past, was being replaced with an identity in Christ.
It was such an honor to spend precious time with each of them, listening, praying and even crying.
The most important thing I taught, was to always remember that they have the key to the freedom that only Jesus can offer. That key is, to die to our perceived rights, hopes and dreams so that God can give us His and live them mightily through us.
I boarded the plane, exhausted and yet fulfilled. There truly is nothing better than emptying yourself so that you can be filled with the Holy Spirit so that it is not I who live but He who lives through me.