The Time We All Went to Rio

​Christ the Redeemer in Rio by Craig

Christ the Redeemer in Rio by Craig

Last week, Kay Charlotte and I ran the International Mission Adventures WAVES Gathering in Rio de Janeiro, Brasil. This is our big deal, biennial, staff conference for YWAMers who lead Mission Adventures ministries around the world. It's a great big mix of worship, leadership training, skill building, networking and just plain fun. 

Kay Charlotte made this event amazing. More than a year ago she began to plan and dream with God on what this event could be. She had visions of upside down umbrellas, little keys, and even a death cloth from Uganda! ​

75 YWAMers from Europe, Asia and the America's all came together and had an incredible time. Here are a few photos for you to enjoy!​

For more, you can see the official slide show on the Mission Adventures Insider: WAVES in Rio Slideshow and be sure to check out #WAVESinRio on Instagram!

​Kay Charlotte Introducing our Special Guests

​Kay Charlotte Introducing our Special Guests

​Levi Shared his first ever message! It was out of 2 Kings.

​Levi Shared his first ever message! It was out of 2 Kings.

​"Daughter" Lanette and Daughter Taylor

​"Daughter" Lanette and Daughter Taylor

​Levi had Tons o' Fun with These Two Europeans

​Levi had Tons o' Fun with These Two Europeans

​Taylor Surveys the Skies on the Way

​Taylor Surveys the Skies on the Way

Butterfly Landed Levi's Best Photo of the Trip

Butterfly Landed Levi's Best Photo of the Trip

​Boy Zion Taylor's Best Photo of the Trip

Boy Zion Taylor's Best Photo of the Trip