When “One of Those Days” Turns into “Wow!”

​GCA Kids build a Homes of Hope house in the Dominican Republic. | Photo Courtesy of Felipe Renault

​GCA Kids build a Homes of Hope house in the Dominican Republic. | Photo Courtesy of Felipe Renault

I'm sure you've had one of those days… the kind that make you want to quit your job and go do something else. Kay Charlotte and I had one a few days ago. All our plans for the big upcoming Mission Adventures event were falling apart. Nothing was going right, and we asked ourselves, "Why are we still​ doing this?"

Then Kay Charlotte got an email from our friend who is a teacher at the school in Canada that just built four homes in the Dominican Republic:

Dear Kay Charlotte,​

For the past 20 years we have had a relationship with YWAM and Mission Adventures in particular. Glenmore Christian Acadamy's goals are to graduate students of academic excellence as well as Christ-like character. We strive to succeed in these areas and can only do it with the help of God and those who support us like parents, board members, teachers and amazing programs like yours. One of the most common remarks by students regarding their years at GCA is always, The Mexico Trip (or Costa Rica/ Dominican Republic). I have asked several of them why, and they list many things:

  • The emphasis on Christ at the center displayed through chapels and programing
  • The staff  who are usually passionate for God and people. (Life time relationships have been formed in a few short days)
  • Time alone with God for the first time ever through personal devotion time and station worship
  • Challenging circumstances that take them out of their comfort zone
  • A third world experience that allows them to become more culturally aware. 
“I began to get a heart for the broken hearted and see people through God’s eyes.”

​One of the deepest  comments  was,  “I thought I would see poverty and that I would be the most moved by that. But as I prayed, I began to see the people as children of God who needed Him as much as I do. I began to get a heart for the broken hearted and see people through God’s eyes.” 

The ripple effect of the MA program continues. We have brought well over a thousand kids through Mission Adventures and many of them have gone on to Discipleship Training Schools, summer MA staff, or full time missions.

The first trip I went on 19 years ago was when, Erin, stood up and committed her life to serve Him. She is now full time with YWAM in Ireland. Katrina did her DTS in Scotland and then went to Afganistan and African leper colonies to practice medicine when she graduated. Amber was in Ireland for her DTS outreach and had a permanent love for worship developed there that was life changing. I remember Heather wrestling with God and being angry at him throughout the whole MA week and now she looks back on it as a pivotal point as she heads up an alternative worship service in a huge church in Calgary.

“I felt like I could actually make a difference in the world.”

There are so many stories but many are just simply, “I remember seeing my friends stand up for the first time for what they believed and I felt safe surrendering myself”, and, “I felt like I could actually make a difference in the world.” This is a remnant of the large amount of students we brought through the program, but it is a remnant that will carry Christ with them to ends of the earth.

Thanks beyond words for your faithfulness, creativity and love that has allowed us to partner with you for twenty years.


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We may have cried a bit reading Nancy's message. Our petty frustrations melted with the understanding of the much larger perspective that God so graciously gave us through Nancy's encouragement. And yes, we re-upped for another twenty years. Thanks for your encouragement Nancy!