A Book, a Door, and a New Nation


What do a book, a door and a new nation have in common? 

We want to give you an opportunity to find out. 

The Condensed Version: 

  • We have 10 Copies of Kay Charlotte's book, Why Do I Have to Go to School Today? left, and…
  • We are going to Uganda after Christmas, and…
  • Kay Charlotte has an open door to pioneer Homes of Hope in the Republic of South Sudan, so…
  • You can buy a book and be a part of this amazing opportunity!

The Details:

Kay Charlotte has written a children's book and we only have 10 copies left. With these last books, we want to give you the unique opportunity to invest in a new nation. After Christmas, our family will travel to Africa again to further develop the Homes of Hope ministry in Uganda. And this time a door has been opened to the Republic of South Sudan* Kay Charlotte has been personally invited by the Ambassador to go to Juba, and meet with government officials to discuss acquiring land to establish Homes of Hope in South Sudan. 

Would you help send our family to Africa by purchasing one of the remaining copies of her book? Books are signed by the author and are a minimum of $100 each, while supplies last. If you'd like to give even after the books are sold, or are not interested in the book at all,  that is fine too.

Thanks for your interest in the work we are doing in Africa. 


To Purchase A Book, Make Your Check Out to, "Ends of the Earth" and mail it to:

Kay Charlotte McClurg

2259 Poppy Hills Drive

Chula Vista, Ca. 91915 


To Donate, Make Your Check Out to, "Youth With A Mission" and mail it to: 

Kay Charlotte McClurg

2259 Poppy Hills Drive

Chula Vista, Ca. 91915 

Library Hard Bound, 42 Pages, Signed by the Author

Library Hard Bound, 42 Pages, Signed by the Author

Heartwarming Story Inspired by Real Life Events

Heartwarming Story Inspired by Real Life Events

Gorgeously Illustrated

Gorgeously Illustrated

She Spoke Life

Two weeks ago, Kay Charlotte spoke in a Discipleship Training School in the Dominican Republic.

(Aside: This week she's speaking at the DTS in Tijuana; next week at the DTS in Vancouver—busy woman!) 

One of her students wrote this on her blog:

The next week we had Kay Charlotte. She talked about Identity in Christ. I think that was my favourite week of the school so far. We talked about the things that hold us from being the people God created us to be and what holds us from seeing ourselves the way God sees us. We talked about pride, being vulnerable, and how important dealing with the past is. We talked about forgiveness and the effects the lack of forgiveness has on us. She spoke life into us and for me, God brought so much freedom through her. Praise God that His yolk [sic] is easy and His burden is light. On Friday that week, we went to a cemetery. Sounds weird- I know. When we first arrived Kay Charlotte told us that God has spoken to her to share Romans 8 with us. The very same passage that God spoke to my heart one week before. We spent time there sitting and talking with God. Verse 10 says, “But if Christ is in you, your body is dead because of sin, yet your spirit is alive because of righteousness.” Being in a cemetery really gives you a solid visual of being dead to yourself- it’s probably the best visual there could be! When Jesus said, “Take up your cross and follow me” he meant it to be a one way trip- dying to yourself and living in reckless abandon because of what is ALREADY finished. All things are possible with Him.
— Mairi Macpherson

I'm so proud of Kay Charlotte for how she's giving of herself to these students. Please pray for her as we both have had a busy travel schedule this fall, with a lot more to come! (Stay tuned!) 

I encourage you to take a look at the rest of Mairi's blog post here: 

Lead me to where my trust is without borders.


Dedicating His Life to Deeper Service

Kay Charlotte spoke to ten Discipleship Training School students at the YWAM center in San Pedro, Dominican Republic this week. Here topic was on Identity in Christ. Yesterday she sent me this photo: 


She wrote:

Today I took the students to a local graveyard. I shared with them from the Scriptures and I asked them, "How do you want your life to count? When it's all over, what do you hope to have accomplished? Who do you hope to have become?"
Little did I know that this young man received a vision from God yesterday. He saw himself at his parents' gravesite dedicating himself to walk in God's ways. He was stunned when he found out we were going on a field trip to a graveyard. He's weeping as I clicked this shot. 

Thank you so much for your prayers and financial support. We are privileged to be in partnership with you! 


Fifteen Photos from Switzerland

Levi and I flew to Burtigny, Switzerland this week to be a part of the Mission Adventures International Theme Team. We met up with 8 other YWAMers from five other nations to pray, wait on the Lord, and brainstorm about the 2014 Mission Adventures theme.  

This trip is special for lots of reasons: 

  • I got to travel with my son. Having him participate in my work and enjoy my friends was a real treat.
  • This was our first trip to Switzerland, and boy oh boy is this place beautiful! I think I took more than 700 photos in the last four days.
  • This will be the 21st Mission Adventures theme I've been a part of defining. It's such a privilege to seek God for his heart and mind for students.

I'm posting this just as we pack up and head to the airport in Geneva. So if you see this, say a prayer for smooth travels and a sweet reunion at home! 


Cool Facts About the University of the Nations

Youth With A Mission's University of the Nations is truly unique. It's a global university designed to train students to be messengers of the Gospel into every sphere of society.

Two weeks ago, the U of N held it's biennial Workshop at our campus in Tijuana, Mexico. Here are some pretty cool facts about the University:

Slides for UofN Stats 01.jpg

16,500 Total Students in 2010, a 12% Increase from 2008

11,300 Discipleship Training School Students in 2010

5,200 Second-Level Students in 2010

Slides for UofN Stats 02.jpg

550 Global Training Locations in 2010, a 49% Increase from 2008

160 Countries in Which Courses Are Taught, a 33% Increase from 2008

Slides for UofN Stats 03.jpg

We are so encouraged by all the amazing thing God is doing in and through the University of the Nations. Kay Charlotte and I are humbled to teach for students in this university and we are very excited to help staff the  Compassion and Mercy Discipleship Training School in Tijuana ths fall. 

Viva Las Vegas!

The Awesome Students of the DTS

The Awesome Students of the DTS

I spent the week with five amazing young women at Youth With A Mission in Las Vegas. They are the students of the Abolitionist Discipleship Training School there. They've come from all across the country to sit at the feet of Jesus to learn from Him and become more like Him. 

My role this week was to teach on The Father Heart of God, and Relationships: Love, Sex and Dating. Wow, what an awesome responsibility and an amazing privilege. The experience was a powerful one for me. I really enjoyed spending time with these women and sharing with them about how God sees them. It was incredible to unpack with them the great design God has for us in love and romance. It was humbling for me to share my stories, my failures and my successes. 

A highlight for me was to take our small class to Starbucks, and talk about love around the table. It was so cool to hear from each one of them and discuss how good God is. As I'm writing this, waiting to board my flight, I feel like the time was too short. Even though I long to be home with my family, I wish I could have had more time with these amazing students. I'll be praying for them as they continue with their school. 

Oh, and what's super cool is that next week they'll be studying about their Identity in Christ with my most favorite teacher ever, the wonderful Kay Charlotte! ;)

KC: Staff Leader from Germany

KC: Staff Leader from Germany

Cat: Just turned 19 the other day—HBDTY!

Cat: Just turned 19 the other day—HBDTY!

Allison: Super Cool and Fun

Allison: Super Cool and Fun

Leah: Deep thinker and writer.

Leah: Deep thinker and writer.

Ruth Ann: Gifted in Leadership

Ruth Ann: Gifted in Leadership

Amber: Eager to learn.

Amber: Eager to learn.

Here Comes the UofN Workshop

The 7000+ Square Feet that Kay Charlotte is whipping into shape… 

The 7000+ Square Feet that Kay Charlotte is whipping into shape… 

The University of the Nations Workshop begins on Tuesday. More than 700 YWAMers will come from all over the world for five days of worship, inspiration and training. Everyone on our campus has been working double over time to make this event possible. Kay Charlotte has been setting up the Expo Tent where there's a coffee shop, a store and booths for all the YWAM ministries that want to share their stories. Here's a few pics of the setup.

The store and cafe seating area is coming into focus…

The store and cafe seating area is coming into focus…

Some of the cool merch that Craig designed…

Some of the cool merch that Craig designed…

Please pray that everything goes smoothly this week and that all our guests have an amazing conference. Pray for our staff as they have been working themselves to the bone to prepare everything. Pray that God would be glorified as we gather together to further the cause of His Kingdom!