Breakfast has always been my favorite meal, but this one was something super…
Last week I went on a road trip with seven other guys from YWAM San Diego/Baja to Phoenix where we attended the NFL Experience and the Athletes in Action Super Bowl Breakfast. I KNOW! The tickets were a gift to us—and it’s things like this that always make me smile and shake my head. I mean, I have been able to travel the world and tell people about Jesus, but I never expected to get into exclusive events like this.
Highlights included:
- Seeing a large crowd moving slowly through the NFL Experience with Katy Perry right in the middle of it. (I KNOW!)
- Having dinner with Larry and Lynn Eisenhauer at our friends' house. He played DE for the Boston Patriots from ’61 to ’69. (I KNOW!)
- Hearing Benjamin Watson clearly share the good news about Jesus Christ at the Super Bowl Breakfast honoring Peyton Manning. (I KNOW!)
Closest I've ever been to a star!!! Hahaha!
Tony Dungy and Bart Starr Jr. Presented Peyton Manning with the Bart Starr Award